Insebbħu PajjiżnaThe campaign for a cleaner Malta
Admittedly, not all adverts, not all material we produce have a clear good cause. Well, most often it is for a good cause, we believe that helping entrepreneurs reach more of their target audience, reach more people they can help, is a good thing. We don’t work for firms, organisations or individuals that cheat their customers.
Every now and then though, we get to work on campaigns whose benefit is clearer, is more evident for everyone to see. One such campaign, which has recently concluded and which we were grateful to have worked on was the Insebbħu Pajjiżna campaign.
The campaign encouraged the Maltese public to help keep Malta cleaner. The campaign focused on two aspects. The first was to show the work various entities were doing to clean up and maintain the country and its infrastructure.
For a number of days, our camerapersons followed different workers on the road, doing various works, from cleaning up, to painting road markings to replacing street furniture.
From the footage, we edited a news cut that was distributed to media channels and a one-minuter, published on social media. This aspect of the campaign helped the public realise the amount of work that goes into maintaining the infrastructure and keeping the country clean.
The second part of the campaign enlisted the help of Maltese personalities to appeal for more consideration when getting rid of our trash. Claire Agius Ordway took us to the beach. She reminded us of the effort to clear the beaches from algae that washes ashore during the winter months. The algae wash ashore through a natural process but unfortunately a few litter the beach, turning it into a dumpster. Claire asks us for a little more effort to make sure we dispose of our garbage appropriately.
Then, we went on a short car trip with Jacqui Losco. Her driver was irresponsible enough to chuck his bottle out of the window. Jacqui rightly made sure he will never do it again.
Finally, with Keith Demicoli, we went to a little known area blessed with natural countryside beauty. Keith regretfully recounted how often he read news reports about public officials having to clear tonnes of illegally dumped waste. Waste that ruins the beauty of our countryside.
It was a pleasure working on this campaign. We worked closely with James J Piscopo and Neil Spiteri, whose professional approach and inspired ideas made this campaign possible. We also enjoyed working with Keith, Jacqui and Claire, whose experience, availability and charisma surely multiplied the outreach of this campaign, all the while making our jobs better and easier. Finally, we would like to thank all the personnel from the various public entities who have let us in on their workday and who work incessantly to make Malta a better place.